Spring cleaning comes naturally as seasons progress. The warmer weather makes us want to take the light clothes out. Spending more hours outside is no reason to neglect your home.
The Movega team prompts you to take care of keeping your belongings in good order. Our experience has shown that organisation simplifies task fulfillment and reduces stress. Prepare for the new season by giving your home a spring clean. We've created a quick organizational guide for every part of your home.
Basic rules to follow when spring cleaning
Before embarking on the virtual walk from the entrance hall to the garden, it is important to also pay attention to following clear rules. These will help you manage spring cleaning more easily.
Prepare cleaning materials and storage boxes
We're sure you've already figured out which cleaning products are best for each part of your home. We remind you to stack your belongings on already cleaned furniture and shelves.
To organize your home well, you would need to move some items. Do not constantly move them around the rooms. Take the time to spread them out across larger boxes, which would make it easier to move them and avoid clutter on the floor.
Make a to-do list for spring cleaning
This is the secret weapon of every tidy household. Organize the tasks and stick to the list. It will guide you throughout the process. Chart out steps for tidying each room.
If your family is larger, get everyone involved in spring cleaning! Set aside a column to note who did the task in question. This will increase motivation and speed up the process. Make your children your little helpers. To make it more fun, put on some music and make a special dinner for the days you have spent more time cleaning.
Take time to clean every day
Don't leave spring cleaning for the last minute. It will bring stress and unnecessary workload. Set aside 15-20 minutes each day for a few weeks and results will be in place. This will save you stress and help in building healthy habits.
Use the power of “the four categories”
This method involves determining the importance of your belongings. Categorizing them would make it easier to decide whether to keep them. This is the way we allocate them:
For disposal
Some items have no place in your home and it's time to part with them. Dilapidated and broken items should go in the bin. This also applies to clothes with holes or frayed sections - thank them for their faithful service and put them in a textile recycling container.
For donation
This includes items that are in good condition but you don't use regularly. Give them new life by delighting a friend with a useful gift, or by helping a good cause by donating some of them.
For storage
We understand that some possessions have sentimental value and are hard to part with. Keep only those that bring you positive memories. Arrange them in separate boxes and put them in a storage place where they won't mix with the rest of the items in your home. If you decide to keep bulkier items but don't have adequate space, you can use temporary storage spaces.
For keeping
Items that are most regularly used are in this column. Things that have become part of your daily routine should be positioned according to where you use them most often. Make a habit of organising them regularly and it would help keep your home tidy at all times.
Advice on spring cleaning by rooms
The most effective method of thorough cleaning and tidying is by rooms. Prepare checklists for each room and follow what is assigned. Here are some helpful tips for tidying up different corners of the home:
Start spring cleaning with the hallway
Empty the shoe cupboards. Go through them and set aside the winter pairs. Clean them carefully and put them on the shelves or in their original boxes. Put spring sneakers and espadrilles in an easily accessible place.
Set the winter coats aside and take them to the dry cleaners. Stack them in the back of the closet or move them to the pantry. Avoid using vacuum bags because they can distort the appearance of the coats. You can put soft winter gloves, hats, and scarves in them. Leave only light accessories in the hallway.
Knitted baskets and panniers will help you keep small items organised. Categorise them and you'll always know where the car keys are.
Take out any packaged foods you have. Review their expiry dates and remove unnecessary ones. Repeat this step with spices.
Distribute food into glass containers to make tidying up the kitchen easier and quicker. If you don't want to buy new ones, use the already emptied food jars. Remove the company label and store cereals and legumes in them.
Invest time organizing a cupboard for quick mornings. If your daily routine is full of tasks, you'd save time if the products you use in the morning are in one strategic place. There, you could put cereal and other food suitable for an early snack, as well as items like coffee and tea. Add lunch boxes to the cupboard too.
Divide your items according to how often you use them and which part of the kitchen they come into use for. Place them appropriately. Put household appliances that don't fit into your daily routine in the upper cupboards. If you don't take them out in the coming months, find somewhere to donate them.
Be careful when putting away winter-themed kitchen accessories. Kitchen supplies should be neatly packed for storage. If you have seasonal tableware, take it out and place it someplace accessible. Do the same with spring tablecloths, towels, and decorating accessories.
Incorporate the fresh colours of spring into your interior. There are many options such as colorful pillows, vases of flowers, or a new plant. Experiment and lift your spirits.

Living room
Treat upholstered furniture with gentle detergents. Clean the sofa, and if there are removable covers, wash them. Have the carpets cleaned. The warm weather will help them dry faster.
Wipe the dust off the bookcase. Combine this with arranging the books. Look through the titles and decide which ones you want to keep. Give the rest to friends or donate them to your local library. Once you have some free space, you could add decorative spring elements and create a beautiful composition on the bookshelves.
Check the batteries on all remotes and electrical appliances. Use wipes and equipment cleaners to clean surfaces. Set aside boxes in which to store HDMI cables, chargers, and other accessories.
If part of your living room has been converted into a workspace, do the necessary rearranging. Clean the equipment with a microfiber cloth on the outside. Run a diagnostic on the inside of the computer and make sure there is no dust hiding there.
Examine the documentation carefully and dispose of excess paper. Digitize all files that allow this. Now is the time to create your system of organisation by dates and other categories. Use the time for spring clean to also organise the information on your computer by emptying your inbox and installing deferred updates.
Replace your bedspreads with lighter and seasonally appropriate ones. After washing the winter ones, store them in their original packaging in a dry place. If you haven’t kept it, find cloth packaging. Pull out the spring pillowcases and bring a colorful detail into the room.
Don't miss the space under the bed, which quickly fills up with unnecessary items. If you want to make the most of it and have it stay organised, go for storage boxes that correspond with the room's décor.
Start early by pulling out spring findings. The climate is changeable, and it's good to be prepared for surprise sunny afternoons. Include your closet in spring cleaning and remove some of the old clothes. If you're finding it hard to part with them, sticking to the four-step method would help. Take your time to reflect, but be honest with yourself and only keep the clothes you wear.
Allow time for washing, drying, and ironing. Make sure winter sweaters are folded neatly and stacked in the back of the wardrobes. Put the clothes you are going to wear most often in the coming season in a visible place, with sections for different categories.
Go through the lingerie. It's time to tuck away thermal underwear and make room for sheer fabrics. Pull out the lightweight pajamas and sneaker socks.
Children's room
Approach this room in a special way. Encourage your child to be actively involved in the process. Show them how to put away their own toys. If they want the constructor to be in a different place than before, allow them to move it. Agree only if they promise to put its parts away after each game.
Toys are the main trouble in this room. Take care of everything else as you would in your bedroom.
Testing new products leads to multiple half-full bottles of shampoos and creams. Review them and choose the ones you'd really use. Throw away any that aren't right for you or have expired.
Organise products in separate storage bins, with each family member having an individual one. If you have children, set aside a box for them, and don't forget the bathroom toys.
Review all cleaning products. Replace those that you are running out of. Once you're done spring cleaning, stock up on new gloves, towels, and brushes. Make sure chemicals are organised and out of children’s reach.
Pay attention to the atmosphere in your bathroom. Add a spring scent by using an air freshener. Eucalyptus leaves give off a pleasant smell in humid environments. You can place a sprig in your bathroom.
Closet and laundry room
The closet is most often used for storing unnecessary items for which there is no space in the rest of the home. Apply the four-category method and declutter boldly. Once you know what you have, start thinking about organising it.
Shelving according to the size of your closet will help proper utilization of the space. Some items have an unconventional size and you need to make room for them too. Leave yourself a small buffer space that can accommodate a limited number of new items.
Take out all the spring home accessories you have stored in boxes and arrange them in the rest of your home.
Avoid using a large laundry hamper where everything gets mixed up. Buy three smaller ones in which to organise clothes separately by category - white, dark, coloured. Instruct your family members where to put the laundry and find a use for the old bin in another room.
Finish the spring cleaning with the garage and the garden
The garage could be used for many purposes. Pay attention to it and let it be more than just storage space. During spring cleaning, dispose of all unnecessary papers, detergents, and unused boxes. Be careful with dangerous objects such as drills and mowers.
Check the car tools. If necessary, rearrange them into categories. See if the summer tires are in order. Make sure you know where the wiper fluid and other car accessories are.
Make an inventory of garden tools. You will soon have to prepare the lawn. If your plants are mostly potted, focus on checking the fertilizers and the soil. Arrange the empty pots on top of each other and put the small tools together. When they are in one place you would not wonder where all the trowels and scissors are.
Do not put spring cleaning off for the last cold days. Start slow but with proper organisation. The Movega Removals team understands the importance of organisation in achieving a friendly home. If you are about to move to a new place or need any assistance, you can trust us. Contact us via the contact form or chatbot!