In this section, you can find the paperwork required to pass through the Switzerland or Norwegian borders and inventory list. Please fill in carefully the applicable declaration for your import/export, as this is the single most crucial step in exporting or importing your goods.
Movega Removals Inventory List
Paperwork required for exporting/importing to and from Norway
- NRK – Norwegian Residency number
- Passport Copy
- Signed declaration for export/import (click here to download)
- Inventory list (click here to download)
- Rental Agreement
- Employment letter
Paperwork required for importing to Switzerland
- Declaration of import to Switzerland (click here to download)
- Inventory List (click here to download)
- Passport copy
- Employment Contract
- Rental Agreement
Paperwork required for exporting from Switzerland
- Declaration of export from Switzerland (click here to download)
- Inventory List (click here to download)
- Passport copy
- Employment Contract
- Rental Agreement